Judy Berberian

Judy Berberian comes from a lineage of artists and has devoted her life to exploring and creating in a variety of art forms, including painting, fashion design, and music.  Her father, a renowned painter, has been a major influence on her artistic journey.  She has showcased her fashion designs at Paris Fashion Week, curated major shows in Los Angeles, and has released music on all major music platforms.  Her recent work captured the attention of prominent author and neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart, who acquired one of her intriguing resin snake paintings. 


My perspective on snakes transformed the moment my pet snake, Monty, came into my life. Holding him for the first time, I experienced firsthand the extraordinary sensation of bonding with such a gentle creature. This piece invites viewers to confront their preconceived notions and fears. Snakes, often feared, are rarely experienced personally. This fear, rooted in myth rather than reality, blinds us to their inherent beauty. In "Clarity," the snake’s transparent form symbolizes transparency and truth, urging us to look beyond superficial fears. The snake’s smooth, unique skin texture is replicated through resin, allowing a safe, intimate interaction. By inviting viewers to touch the piece, "Clarity" challenges them to overcome irrational fears and discover the beauty in misunderstood creatures. This interaction becomes a metaphor for clarity in understanding and appreciating the world around us.





United States