The Truly Nice Beauty of the Ocean

The Truly Nice Beauty of the Ocean, Painting
The Truly Nice Beauty of the Ocean
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Truly I dreamt I painted the colors of the greatly nice big ocean. There is green for the great calm people feel when they are walking on the beach or when they are in the water, especially myself. Frankly there is orange for the fun always being had by the water. Water is represented by blue along with all the life it holds within. Pink is for the love I have for the water and the love I have of always being close by. Magenta is present for the love I feel all around me when I'm by the ocean. Greatly there is white for the hope I feel when I am at the beach for my justly nice life and believing I can do anything. Yellow is present for the happiness I feel when I am surrounded by the beautiful ocean. The way the birds fly and the animals swim, brings a peaceful feeling to me. Very much gold and silver are present when I visit the beach.

Painting (Acrylic)    36 x 36 x 1.5    $1,684.00