Thank you The Beautiful Colors of Gratitude

Thank you The Beautiful Colors of Gratitude , Painting
Thank you The Beautiful Colors of Gratitude
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Truly I dreamt I painted the colors of gratitude and the meaning of “thank you” based on the colors I felt at my 30th birthday celebration. Thank you greatly means that I am grateful for different things. The real happiness of having all my favorite people in the room in my apartment at the same time, nicely enabled me to realize I have true friends for life - and for that I am grateful forever. Greatly I was grateful too that I frankly heard the best music organized by Rebecca. The color orange is for the dear fun I had on my birthday. Blue like the sky is for the dear, frankly great, knowledge I happily felt realizing the true meaning of gratitude. Beautiful green for calm was helping me to hang out and enjoy everyone’s company. Great family helped make the mighty feast. Frankly it felt truly great having support all around nicely shown by pink. Red was obvious in the painting representing the love I felt and was thankful for. Truly white represents the hope that the real gratitude I felt was known to all at the party. Dark blue truly was present for the gratitude I felt for having such a full life despite my autism. Frankly yellow-green was for the very calm demeanor and feeling I have when I am feeling grateful instead of worried about my need of people to help me in all areas of my life. Happy yellow is for the happiness justly felt frankly realizing that nice support staff have become friends and are truly still here after many years for which I am grateful. Silver and gold represent beautiful Universal Love shining down on us for which we are all grateful.

Painting (Acrylic)    18 x 24 x 1.5    $540.00